Why do I die when I visit the Holmwood's?

Hint 1 of 5:
Most deaths in this game are related only to the time (at least the ones
that happen before you enter a location).

Hint 2 of 5:
Have you tried visiting other locations at 9:00 pm?

Hint 3 of 5:
Then you know that it's just Holmwood that is unsafe to visit.

Hint 4 of 5:
You will have to return, but only after you know why it's dangerous to visit.

Hint 5 of 5:
Wait until your encounter with Dracula at Annisette's (it will happen at
9:00, or just after), and then go to the Harkers'.  Van Helsing will say that
he thinks Holmwood is Dracula.